Dainty Hooligan Style & Fashion

Introducing Our New Blog!
Hey Hooligans!
With the Fall season here, we are excited to introduce you to our new, improved blog. Be sure to check in frequently to catch the latest trends and news from yours truly because it’s going to be the best way to stay up to date with new arrivals, specials, pro styling tips, the cutest lifestyle shoots and a whole lot more!
To kick off our new blog, we’d like to introduce you to Dainty Travels. Be sure to tag us in your best looks from our store across all social media channels for a chance to be featured in our favorite looks each month, from your favorite places! All you have to do is tag us and use the hashtag #daintytravels. Each month, we will choose our favorite posts to be featured and win all kinds of cool Dainty Hooligan swag.
Please welcome our newest hooligan to the DH team, Josh Stuart. He has a background in fashion, design, magazine publishing and photography and will be blogging, photographing and helping our fab team of peeps as we continue to grow our brand for you. Josh would love to hear from you whether it’s sending us your love, suggestions or telling him what you’d like to see more of from us!
Start bugging Josh today by sending him an email at josh@daintyhooligan.com. He’d love to hear from you!